Alcohol Abuse VS Alcohol Dependence

People often have a hard time distinguishing the difference between drug abuse and alcohol dependency. One thing is for sure: they seem similar at first glance. Drug abuse is quite different from alcohol abuse. However, they have side effects on the human body. Over here at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi, alcohol abuse patients are here for the treatment of dependence. In every type of addiction, there is light at the end of the tunnel by engaging in extensive therapy and having the tools to conquer addiction, whether it involves narcotics or alcoholism.

Two of the most common substances abused by addicts are drugs and alcohol. To say that this is a huge issue that concerns society is an understatement. Millions of affected people turn to drugs and alcohol when they have problems. More often than not, these habits become addictions that their lives are consumed with. People should be educated by knowing the unravelling effects of alcohol on sleep because that is important to live an undisrupted life. After all, heavy drinking causes restorative sleep cycles. This further motivates alcoholism treatment. To be educated about these growing societal concerns, you must first learn the difference between drug abuse and alcohol dependence.

To begin, drug abuse is dependence on narcotics and other forms of drugs on a constant basis. This means that a drug addict has an addiction so severe that his daily routine consists of the consumption of his drug of choice and the search to acquire it. So, how does this differ in determining what is drug abuse and alcohol dependence? When an addict depends on drugs, his state of mind is altered since narcotics have that effect on the user. There are many types of narcotics that an addict can get hooked on. There is cocaine, drug addiction, heroin addiction, meth, and even marijuana. All of these drugs have mind-changing effects. This means that the user will literally not be in his right mind once he feels the impact of the narcotics. Drugs like heroin and meth are the most commonly abused forms of drugs in America. Millions of people are addicted to them, and thousands of addicts have died from them already. Learn how to control alcohol cravings because it empowers you in the recovery of alcoholism and helps you resist triggers and maintain sobriety.

Some of the effects of narcotics involve the feeling of euphoria and elation, which is what most addicts look for when they take drugs. However, like most chemically induced feelings, there are negative consequences. One of the instant side effects of taking drugs is the feeling of anxiety and paranoia. An addict will feel this way for most of the duration of the drug’s effect, combined with the feeling of euphoria. Other than that, a drug addict will also not feel hunger (meth and heroin addiction) and will lose weight over time. Then, over prolonged use of dangerous drugs, there will be inevitable health problems that will be experienced by the addict. Besides the deterioration of brain function, other risks include Hepatitis C, HIV, and various illnesses that are associated with prolonged use of dangerous narcotics.

In learning what is the difference between drug abuse and alcohol dependence, heavy drinking is another type of disease that pertains to alcoholism and alcohol addiction. So, how do you differentiate social drinking from alcoholism and alcohol abuse? Simply put, social drinking is when you consume alcoholic beverages on a very regular basis and do not feel the need to have them. There are many alcoholism treatments available, but every person should know which treatments are the best for a person and which alcohol treatment should be chosen and it depends upon a person's condition that is diagnosed by psychologists or psychiatrists. Abuse and alcohol dependence, on the other hand, involve frequent heavy drinking, binge drinking, and alcohol addiction. One of the first signs of alcohol dependence (alcoholism) is when a person drinks alone or at any time of the day, especially in the mornings. An alcoholic feels the need to get intoxicated every time he drinks liquor. Alcohol abuse pertains to drinking excessive alcohol beyond the point of inebriation, often leading to unconsciousness. There are many reasons why people have turned to the bottle and succumbed to alcoholism and have become alcohol dependent.

Alcohol abuse can have factors that stem from certain experiences of the dependent person. Many withdrawal challenges in addiction recovery, stress, domestic violence, and other emotional contributors are often the reason why people have alcohol and drug addiction problems. Alcoholism contributes to violence and other acts that cannot be controlled during drinking binges. There are other negative consequences of drinking. Drinking while driving and alcohol-related accidents are some of the leading causes of death from alcohol abuse, according to the Department of Health. Alcohol use can cause liver disease due to the excessive consumption of alcohol. Besides the obvious health risks, there are other consequences of alcoholism. Excessive alcohol consumption will disrupt the normal flow of work, affect the addict’s family, and damage social reputation. However, there is hope for addicts by going through a drug-alcohol rehab treatment facility.

There is not much of a difference between drug abuse and alcohol dependence when it comes to treatment and recovery from alcohol dependence and drug addiction. Both diseases require treatment and rehab in treatment centers to stop drinking and stop the use of drugs. In order to recover, a drug addict will be purged of drugs in his system, which will cause withdrawal symptoms in the initial stage of drug rehab. The same thing applies to the treatment of alcohol dependence. In alcohol rehab treatment centers, alcohol treatment also involves purging the addict of alcohol dependence, and addressing the risks of teen alcohol drinking is also necessary. There will be withdrawal symptoms, which will dissipate in a week’s time. Then, behavioral and relapse prevention will be taught through therapy and psychotherapy during a recovering addict’s stay in the alcohol treatment center.

After rehab treatment, addicts are often made to engage in other treatment programs, such as the 12-step groups to support alcohol and drug rehabilitation. Drug and alcohol addiction is similar in that rehab treatment centers will not suffice to get these recovering addicts clean. Alcohol recovery and drug addiction both have the potential for a relapse. A recovering drug addict can also simply return to his old ways if support and further assistance are not given outside the drug and alcohol addiction rehab facility.

Finally, there are also other methods an alcoholic can use, such as medications for alcohol dependence that prevent withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, alcoholics are given a steady and regular dose of alcohol as a form of treatment to avoid withdrawal from alcohol rehab. What is the difference between drug abuse and alcohol dependence? Not so much regarding the substance consumed but rather the effects and toll they take on the human body.

But remember, alcohol treatment varies for alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. It may be possible for alcohol abuse to be reversed by the person himself with a strong determination to quit drinking.

WebMD says that alcohol treatment is of a different level of importance for alcohol dependence. For those who have not been alcoholics for a long time, the withdrawal symptoms are mild, such as anxiety and insomnia. On the other hand, withdrawal symptoms of chronically dependent users may be as serious as uncontrollable shaking, spasms, panic, hallucinations, and delirium tremens.

Without professional health care, the mortality rate from delirium tremens exceeds 10%. Detox from chronic alcoholism treatment should not be attempted without the supervision of a doctor in an inpatient facility.

If you’ve decided that you want to stop drinking alcohol and you want to know more about the difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence, the safest first move would be to contact us anytime for more information on our alcohol rehabilitation center and our innovative programs for recovery from alcoholism.


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