Treat for Restless Leg Syndrome

Who suffers from restless legs syndrome? Approximately five to ten percent of the population suffer at the best addiction treatment center in Pakistan to some degree from restless legs syndrome (in the US this amounts to about 12 million people), although in most cases the majority of the cause of restless legs syndrome is manageable. Both men and women of all ages are susceptible, although restless legs syndrome is more commonly seen as a problem in middle age and tends to worsen as you age. In younger sufferers, the condition is often put down to "growing pains" or is considered to be a case of "hyperactivity." This sleep disorder also tends to run in families, and documented cases suggest that there may also be racial or ethnic factors associated with the condition. How is restless legs syndrome treated? In mild cases, rls symptoms can be greatly relieved by a combination of exercise, leg massage (including acupressure), hot baths and the applica...