The Family of schizophrenic

The schizophrenic patient suffers intensely from your condition at the best addiction treatment center in Pakistan , and your family, too; there is no way this be avoided. Unfortunately, the programs for the political and social reintegration of the mentally ill in society ignore the suffering and needs of the Family, which are huge. This is seen as dysfunctional, cold, indifferent or even hostile to the patient. Like the schizophrenic patient suffers twice from disease and prejudice, the Family also suffers twice, Detecting schizophrenia even at an early stage with the child's disease and the social discrimination and misunderstanding. In a developing country like Brazil, assisting the Family of a person with schizophrenia has to be an essential government program so that you can preserve the social performance (study, work, profession) of the relatives of schizophrenic patients. The level of recovery that has been the treatment of schizophrenia is very low; the healthy siblings...