Treatment Resistant Depression

Treatment-resistant depression or refractory depression at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi is a term used in clinical psychiatry, which refers to a major depression type that did not respond or react to two or more anti-depressants. According to some experts, depression is called treatment-resistant depression, and also the Signs and Symptoms of Clinical Depression people want to know only if they will not respond after using for treatment-resistant depression four different types of antidepressants. There are lots of different types of antidepressants, and when you try two or more different antidepressants and still the depression isn't controlled or gone, then that doesn't mean that the administered drugs are not effective. In this condition, you need to try an antidepressant of another class. You can try the different drugs of the same class too. Treatment resistant depression can leave a person hopeless and frustrated. A long time can go by without any i...