What is narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy is a chronic, life-long, neurological sleep disorder at the best addiction treatment center in Islamabad that usually appears in your late teens or early twenties and is characterized initially by excessive what are the treatments for Jet Lag Disorder daytime tiredness? These chemicals are known as hypocretins or orexins, and studies indicate that more than ninety percent of narcolepsy sufferers either lack or show deficient levels of these chemicals. What causes narcolepsy? The cause of narcolepsy remains something of a mystery. However, two recent studies have suggested that there is a strong possibility that it arises in people deficient in two related chemicals typically found in the hypothalamus - an area deep inside the base of the brain that regulates many functions, including sleep. For some considerable time now, it has been known that there is a connection between narcolepsy and a specific type of human leukocyte antigen (HLA), a genetically determined prot...