Manic Depression Symptoms

Manic depression is a type of depression explained by the best addiction treatment center in Islamabad in which a patient experiences extreme mood swings. Sometimes the mood, energy or thoughts are very high, and at other times the patient becomes deeply depressed and becomes hopeless. The manic depression symptoms of Inpatient Depression Treatment last for many weeks or months. The mood swings are like a pendulum between two extremes of high and low. The patient is either very sad or highly depressed, or very highly energetic. When the patient is unhappy or depressed, he feels desperate, hopeless, helpless and weak. Manic depression symptoms can be divided into two categories. These are the depression symptoms when the patient mood is low and when the patient mood is high. Manic Depression Symptoms When the Patient Mood and Energy Are Extremely High: The patient is highly active and restless. The mood becomes extremely high and ecstatic. The temper of the patient is very bad a...