Is Schizophrenia a Disease?

This mental disease at the best addiction treatmentcenter in Pakistan disorganizes an individual’s overall behavior and character with the help of addiction experts. The condition may be severe or mild. In severity, a patient becomes unable to undertake standard functions, and people are willing to know about the Tips to Stop Binge Drinking , such as reasoning, as the brain becomes impaired, leading to reduced reasoning capacity. In general, schizophrenia results in reduced emotional life, disrupted thinking, and emotional disruption. Schizophrenia can either be simple or catatonic. Simple schizophrenia is a mild disease where a patient withdraws. Simple schizophrenia mainly occurs early in life, and significant symptoms may not show. Catatonic schizophrenia is the severe form where a patient’s mobility may be impaired as muscles are affected and become rigid. At times a patient becomes too excited. The occurrence of schizophrenia is associated with hereditary genes and the e...