Is Schizophrenia a Disease?

This mental disease at the best addiction treatmentcenter in Pakistan disorganizes an individual’s overall behavior and character with the help of addiction experts. The condition may be severe or mild. In severity, a patient becomes unable to undertake standard functions, and people are willing to know about the Tips to Stop Binge Drinking, such as reasoning, as the brain becomes impaired, leading to reduced reasoning capacity.

In general, schizophrenia results in reduced emotional life, disrupted thinking, and emotional disruption. Schizophrenia can either be simple or catatonic. Simple schizophrenia is a mild disease where a patient withdraws. Simple schizophrenia mainly occurs early in life, and significant symptoms may not show. Catatonic schizophrenia is the severe form where a patient’s mobility may be impaired as muscles are affected and become rigid. At times a patient becomes too excited.

The occurrence of schizophrenia is associated with hereditary genes and the environment in which an individual grows up from childhood. Women who become infected with other diseases and illnesses that can affect the unborn baby are at significant risk, as the baby may develop after birth schizophrenia people usually not know what schizophrenia is.

An unsuitable environment, such as poor living standards coupled with poverty, is also a risk, same to young children who grow up traumatized for one reason or another. Traumatic experiences are widespread in unsuitable environments.

Schizophrenia can present itself in different ways, depending on whether it is simple or catatonic. Simple schizophrenia symptoms may be hard to notice at the onset, but catatonic schizophrenia symptoms are noticeable. They include disrupted speech, delusion, and hallucinations. In extreme cases, a patient’s mobility becomes impaired.

Although schizophrenia may occur in the early stages of life, it mainly occurs in the late youthful years towards adulthood. This may be due to risk factors that a patient was exposed to in the early stages of life. Youth resorting to drugs in their early years have a high chance of developing schizophrenia in early adulthood.

Schizophrenia is not a treatable disease; it can only be managed. To worsen the situation, schizophrenia disease cannot be eradicated; it becomes a permanent condition that can only be managed. Thus, prevention becomes a priority. Prevention can be undertaken through:

Safe lifestyle. Living a secure lifestyle free from risk factors reduces the chances of schizophrenia occurrence. This is important for youth as indulging in drugs in formative years increases the chances of developing schizophrenia in early adulthood.

Healthy Diet. Diet plays a significant role in the occurrence of many diseases, schizophrenia included. Eating a healthy diet dramatically reduces the chances of schizophrenia occurring.

Clean environment. The environment in which young children are growing up needs to be clean. A dirty environment increases the risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.

Schizophrenia cannot be treated and can only be managed. Available medications and treatment therapies focus on reducing symptom effects. This, in development, assists a patient to have some control over themself.

Schizophrenia is a disease that can easily be prevented. The fact that the condition is not curable increases the need to avoid any factors that can lead to its occurrence.


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