What Is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a group of psychotic mental illnesses characterized by disorganization at the best addiction treatment center in Lahore of the patient’s personality. Their course can be chronic or intermittent attacks which may either stop or become retrograde at any stage. However, once affected, a complete return of What causes Paranoid Schizophrenia to the pre-morbid personality is unlikely. There are three elements common in all cases (whether chronic or intermittent attacks); shallowness of emotional life; inappropriateness of emotion; unrealistic thinking. There are two types of Schizophrenia; simple and catatonic. Simple Schizophrenia is the least disorganized form of Schizophrenia.


It is characterized by withdrawal and apathy. Its onset is usually at an early age when hallucinations and delusions do not occur. Catatonic Schizophrenia is characterized by episodes of immobility with muscular rigidity or stupor, often interspersed with periods of acute excitability.

Although the exact causes of Schizophrenia are uncertain, its occurrence is linked to genes and environmental factors, which are the main risk factors. Problems encountered in the early stage of neurodevelopment in the womb increase the risk of developing Schizophrenia later in life. Studies undertaken also indicate that expecting mothers who expose themselves to infections put the life of their unborn babies at risk of developing Schizophrenia later in their early life.

Social factors have been found to increase the risk of developing Schizophrenia later in life. This is mostly in young children exposed to poor housing conditions in which basic needs are lacking. Children who experience various kinds of abuse, which leave them traumatized, are also at risk of developing Schizophrenia in later life.

Schizophrenia symptoms are varied and depend on the individual. However, the common symptoms include hearing voices, which may not be there (hallucinations), incoherent speech, delusions, and social withdrawal.

The onset of Schizophrenia is common among the youth graduating into adulthood. This is especially with a child who indulges in misusing drugs at an early age. Schizophrenia’s symptoms, which may not be noticed immediately, start to show and, over time, become prominent.

Once Schizophrenia sets in, returning to a normal state is impossible. This, therefore, calls for the need to prevent its occurrence. It can be controlled through the following:

  • Living healthily. Living healthy involves eating foods and taking drinks that are beneficial to the body. Such foods and beverages should contain minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, and healthy fats. Juices from fresh fruits are also important as they have the same elements.
  • Keeping off drugs. This is especially among youth. Using illegal drugs and misusing other drugs increases the risk of developing Schizophrenia.
  • Tidiness. Maintaining a clean environment reduces the risk of developing Schizophrenia, more so among children.

Although there are treatments for Schizophrenia, there is no cure. The remedies available are only meant to address symptoms. The remedies available include:

  • Medications. There are medications that are used in the management of serious symptoms. It take between 1 to 2 weeks to reduce the symptoms
  • Cognitive therapies. These therapies are intended to assist a patient to regain his/her normal thinking capacity.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy. This is used in managing severe Schizophrenia where other therapies have proved unsuccessful.

Being a serious condition that is not curable, it is important to eliminate all factors that may lead to the development of Schizophrenia. Expecting women and young children should especially be taken care of.


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