Online Stock Market Addiction

Online trading addiction is a relatively new problem that at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi needs to be considered. The pitfall of an online stock or day trader, whether a beginner or a professional, is a sad story of how a person can make excellent trades online and then lose it all and more when hooked. These behaviors , we believe, draw upon addictions, particularly Some Alternative Therapies for Anxiety Disorders gambling addiction and behaviors , which have similarities with compulsive gambling behavior . With the advent of online trading, just about anyone with an obsessive personality can get into trouble trading stocks. The Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey, which has a special section on its Web site devoted to stock trading, estimates that 5% of all online investors exhibit the tendencies of a compulsive gambler. Thousands of people around the country couldn't stop trading, sending off calls from concerned family members to counselors . St...