The Facts and Myths about Marijuana Addiction

Many addiction treatment psychologists say that it is most of the time difficult , to tell the truth from the myths surrounding Marijuana at times during the live session at the best addiction treatment center in Lahore . As with everything else, this is due to the large number of individuals who have accepted these suggestions or comments as true. Even when it is incorrect, something becomes more believable the more it is spread throughout society. Along with knowing about Marijuana, many people have found to know All about Alcohol Addiction and Symptoms just for awareness. This article aims to dispel the most common misconceptions about marijuana use. Continue reading for more details: Myth #1: Marijuana causes permanent mental damage While it is true that Marijuana use can alter a person’s thought process and judgment, it does not cause permanent mental illness. Research has shown that large quantities or more potent Marijuana can cause temporary psychosis, extreme anxiet...