Treatment Resistant Depression

Treatment-resistant depression or refractory depression at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi is a term used in clinical psychiatry, which refers to a major depression type that did not respond or react to two or more anti-depressants. According to some experts, depression is called treatment-resistant depression, and also the Signs and Symptoms of Clinical Depression people want to know only if they will not respond after using for treatment-resistant depression four different types of antidepressants.

There are lots of different types of antidepressants, and when you try two or more different antidepressants and still the depression isn't controlled or gone, then that doesn't mean that the administered drugs are not effective. In this condition, you need to try an antidepressant of another class. You can try the different drugs of the same class too.

Treatment resistant depression can leave a person hopeless and frustrated. A long time can go by without any improvement or relief. But if the depression treatment isn't working, you shouldn't give up. With your doctor's help, you need to find another different approach. This may include other drugs, therapy, and other treatments.

It is found that MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) antidepressants are very effective and useful in treating refractory depression or treatment resistant depression. But there are some dietary limitations while using these MAOIs. However, these are found to be working in severe cases of refractory depression.

If the antidepressants aren't working, then psychotherapy can be helpful. There are many types of psychotherapy, and the most common type is cognitive psychotherapy. The expertise of the therapist also plays an important role. If the therapist has a good personality and knows well how to make good relations with the patient, you can expect excellent results.

Many different types of drugs are used in the treatment of refractory depression or treatment resistant depression. The most common type of drug is antidepressants. The other type of drug is an antipsychotic drug. These drugs are given when there are psychological problems or reasons for depression. But it is observed that there are severe side effects associated with the use of these drugs.

It is seen that some people feel good relief from depression with the use of a particular drug for the very first time. But some other people with the same symptoms don't feel well with the constant use of the same drug. The exact reason for this behavior is not confirmed. But it is confirmed that old and severe types of depression are not easier to be treated. This is why it is always recommended to start the treatment of refractory depression or treatment resistant depression as early as possible.


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