The Family of schizophrenic

The schizophrenic patient suffers intensely from your condition at the best addiction treatment center in Pakistan, and your family, too; there is no way this be avoided. Unfortunately, the programs for the political and social reintegration of the mentally ill in society ignore the suffering and needs of the Family, which are huge. This is seen as dysfunctional, cold, indifferent or even hostile to the patient. Like the schizophrenic patient suffers twice from disease and prejudice, the Family also suffers twice, Detecting schizophrenia even at an early stage with the child's disease and the social discrimination and misunderstanding. In a developing country like Brazil, assisting the Family of a person with schizophrenia has to be an essential government program so that you can preserve the social performance (study, work, profession) of the relatives of schizophrenic patients. The level of recovery that has been the treatment of schizophrenia is very low; the healthy siblings of these patients must be helped not to have their lives prevented from developing because of the schizophrenia of a brother.


Good signs of recovery

It has been observed that some patients recover more frequently than others. This group has identified a set of characteristics that can serve as a parameter, a reference to recovery. These symptoms are not guaranteed, but they increase the chances of these people's recovery. The signs are:

  • Ability to feel and express emotions (joy, excitement, sadness, despair, etc.).
  • Not having feelings of grandiosity.
  • Present hallucinations (most often auditory)
  • Appearance of acute confusion in
  • Not to isolate yourself, do not present disturbances of thought
  • Ideas of persecution and distrust of conduct are also signs of good prognosis

There is no unanimity on these symptoms; there will always be those who challenge the assertion that indicates a good prognosis. Catatonic symptoms (immobility or excessive arousal) and mental confusion, despite greater severity, can be solved faster by letting the person have no problems.


Advice for parents

  • Learn to recognize the early symptoms that may indicate a relapse before the frame is a complete install. Seek medical attention immediately, without delays.
  • Seek to learn about the disease to better understand the child in your needs.
  • Establish realistic expectations for the individual condition of the sick child.
  • Observe and learn to better be able to report symptoms.
  • Learn to respect your limits: you can not adequately help while looking for help.
  • Try to establish a friendly relationship with an established goal and purpose as much as possible.
  • Encourage relatives and friends of your child to establish a healthy relationship.
  • Communicate clearly and objectively without mincing words or leaving a message implied.

Mainly: to have an emotionally stable home environment. Even if not hostile expressions directed to the sick person and damage affecting the schizophrenic.No charges exerted on it. Express both positive emotions (joy) and negative ones (anger) in moderation.


Principles for the use of medications

 The remedies are the only alternative to treat schizophrenia; other forms of therapy complement but do not replace medications. However, there is a natural resistance to their use of them, and this is just a consequence of how we understand the disease. If we take the medication, a strange aversion to the body will occur inevitably, but if we look at the drug substances as regulators of brain activity unbalanced, we can see them as friends. The patient has no guilt about being an unregulated part of the brain but can use the healthy side (common sense) to decide to treat. The drugs, therefore, adjust only to do what was misplaced. Unfortunately, in the case of schizophrenia, medications do not know who undertakes this task completely, restoring the normal patient. But for now, we have partial help. Half pain is less bad than complete pain.




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