Coulrophobia Fear of Clowns

One of the experts at the best addiction treatment center in Pakistan said to us I am sure that people might never have heard of something called Clown Phobia, but the truth is it exists, and it is something severe. Of course, thousands and thousands of people around the globe would have gone to a circus to watch the clowns perform, but there are Getting the Help You Need for Insomnia people who are filled with fear every time they see one.

Experts think that Clown Phobia occurs in people because of two reasons. One theory is that they can't identify a human being with colored hair, a big red nose, and a face painted completely; hence, they feel unnerved. The other reason, which sounds more precise, is that the patients can't read the human emotion and expressions behind all that makeup. It is to be noted that human expressions are one of the critical ways we relate to people and thus is a thing to reckon with for Clown Phobia.

It is to be noted that Clown Phobia is no different from the other types of Phobias. These symptoms are the same and most often are high anxiety, intense fear, rapid heartbeat and breathing, profuse sweating, etc. However, there is not much information about phobia in the medical literature. Patients suffering from Clown Phobia would know that their behavior is irrational, yet they would not be able to help themselves from doing it.

Medication does help in controlling the phobia to some extent; however, it is not a solution to the problem. Clown Phobia is a severe type of phobia as it would not let the patient come face to face with a clown nor allow them to see a picture of one. Just think of a guy who would not be able to go inside McDonald's simply because he doesn't want to meet Ronald. Isn't that troublesome? Hypnotherapy can delve deep into the patient's mind to find the root of the fear, but finding a solution to hypnosis is impossible. The patient needs proper care and attention while the therapy continues, and the relatives should see to it that they don't go to a place where there can be the presence of clowns. The therapy can be a prolonged one, and this would help the patient come out of his fear of clowns over time.

The best thing about Clown Phobia is that the patient need not shut himself inside the room to stay away from clowns. This is a type of escape mechanism, and the patients of other phobias usually go for such a thing. The only thing that a patient suffering from Clown Phobia needs to do is to avoid places where there can be clowns. Relatives should make it a point of not laughing at his fear of clowns as that would put him into depression and would not do him any good. Hence Clown Phobia can be cured once the patient has decided to fight it.


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