Study Shows Women Need more Sleep than Men | Sadaqat Clinic Karachi

Study: Women Need more sleep than Men

People have various needs as to their sleep duration; over here at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi, people want to feel free to ask questions to the counselors as well as the time they must go to sleep and get up. Sometimes, even the most loving and understanding husband and wife can have different needs in their sleep routine: the wife can like going to sleep early in the evening and waking up early in the morning, people should have to know the Fight Depression with the 5 Steps that are saying to the people of willing ways, but the husband can have a habit of going to sleep late and waking up late, too. Hopefully, these differences will not interfere with their relationship and life. However, those things could be the issues for another study. Nowadays, a group of scientists has concluded that Insomnia is the Most Common Sleep Problem, and the need for sleep is to consult a doctor. According to an expert group at Duke University in North Carolina, USA, women need more sleep than men. That is why those women who sleep as much as men often wake up grumpy and poorly rested.

The scientists collected information on sleep habits, patterns, and other related data from 210 study participants, both men and women of different ages and statuses. After analyzing the collected data, it became apparent that if women sleep as much as men, they always wake up more aggressive, angry, and hostile. At that, all women reported feeling tired and restless after not sleeping as much as they needed, and the scientists concluded that such women suffered both physically and mentally from insufficient amounts of sleep. At the same time, men did not report similar effects after having a small sleep deprivation.

After discovering this association, the researchers tried to look closer at the issue and find possible causes and factors that play a role in the discovered phenomena. They developed a theory that, possibly, the hormones can be behind the differences between the sleep needs of men and women. With age, more and more women experience hormonal shifts and changes linked to the approaching menopause and other body processes. Men do not suffer the same kind of changes. That is why, the scientists are convinced, women need more sleep and must do everything possible to avoid a lack of sleep since it is linked to much higher levels of distress and increased levels of hostility. The experts are convinced that it is impossible to say that men do not suffer from distress and feelings of tiresome if they lack sleep. But the stated links are much stronger in women.

Certainly, it is not the first study of the effects of sleep deprivation and insufficient sleep on women. It was discovered before that those modern ladies who suffer from chronic lack of sleep and other sleep disorders have quite high risks of chronic depression and developing serious cardiovascular problems. Compared to men, women were found to be more prone to the mentioned risks. There is no need to mention the negative effects of poor sleep on women's skin and beauty. Therefore, those ladies who want to look stunning, remain beautiful for many years, avoid stress and depression, and prevent serious health conditions should do everything possible to guarantee a good night's sleep of at least 7.5 – 8 hours a day. It is also strongly recommended to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, whether weekday or weekend.


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