How Chronic Insomnia Affect Your Health


There are times in our lives when sleep does not come easy. This could be while worrying about the best addiction treatment center in Pakistan late return of your spouse on a stormy night, worrying about a dear one hanging between life and death in hospital, ecstatically happy about your impending wedding day, and other circumstances when you are too excited Methamphetamine A Growing Epidemic or worried about letting sleep take over. This is temporary insomnia, but since it is caused by extreme stress or Darvocet Addiction and Treatment underlying excitement, it is not counted among severe sleep disorders.

Why Sleep Disorders Are Dangerous

There are three types of insomnia - transient insomnia, intermittent insomnia, and chronic insomnia. Left untreated, any of these three sleep disorders can cause havoc with your health.

The most common symptoms would be irritability, lack of concentration, headaches, forgetfulness, body ache, and fatigue, which get compounded with time and aggravated into severe ailments.

There are many reasons why insomnia can attack you - transient and intermittent insomnia are usually the result of change and discomfort. This could be a noisy environment, too much light, extreme climate (too hot or too cold), night shift work, an unfamiliar bedroom, uncomfortable pillows, and other irritants. These sleep disorders are easy to cure since your sleep usually returns once you remove the hassle.

Chronic insomnia, however, is a different story. In this case, you will not be able to sleep despite your best efforts, despite the most comfortable surroundings, although everything from the mood to the room is perfect. This type of insomnia will not occur for a night or two but continuously for 30 days or more. This type of insomnia is hazardous.

Surprisingly, it was observed that people who have chronic insomnia are not always getting sick or otherwise falling prey to the symptoms of lack of sleep. It is as if the body does not need sleep.

Hence, if you find that despite not sleeping your six-to-eight hour quota every night, you still function okay and have nothing to worry about regarding your chronic insomnia. Instead, if you are wise, you will be thankful to God for the extra hours given to you. Once you are settled in your sleepless routine, you could use the extra hours to do something you like (any hobby) or finish work ahead of time. This type of insomnia will benefit you quite a bit.

However, if you suffer from the symptoms described a little earlier and you start feeling and behaving like a nervous wreck, then you need expert help. Get it immediately so you can prevent further deterioration of your health. Such sleep disorders fortunately are curable with the proper treatment and medication.


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