All About Demerol Addiction | Sadaqat Clinic Karachi

Demerol is painkilling at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi medication is taken in pill, liquid, or patch form. Demerol dependency and abuse is an issue, as it is with many other types of opioid medications. The added danger of opioid addiction also carries with it the threat of permanent damage to the kidneys and liver. Demerol prescriptions and Four Signs of Shopaholic Behavior have declined over the past few years. Still, they can be prescribed for those who need an alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.

Some healthcare professionals believe Demerol to be more addictive than other types of opiate drugs. Like many other opiates, the drug has the potential to be misused, diverted, and abused. Many alcoholic people are confused about which alcohol treatment to choose for their betterment of life. The physical dependence on Demerol can develop rapidly because of the medicine's fast action and the euphoria experienced during use. Demerol addiction can result in regular, continued usage and can cause severe mental, physical, and emotional side effects.

Demerol is considered a Schedule II controlled substance in the United States; the government classifies drugs based on the potential for abuse and dependency. A dependence on Demerol can be similar to that of morphine. With excessive use, a user will develop the following signs of dependency:

  • Strong desire and physical need to continue using the drug
  • A need to take an increase in dose to maintain the exact effects of the drug
  • Withdrawal syndrome occurs after discontinued use

The severity and length of withdrawal from Demerol will depend upon how long the drug has been used and in what amounts. A person with a Demerol addiction can experience symptoms of withdrawal for several weeks after discontinuing use; it is strongly recommended to consult with a physician before stopping the drug. "Cold turkey" withdrawal symptoms often occur within 4-5 hours of the last dose and usually last for 7-10 days. Demerol withdrawal symptoms can include but are not limited to the following: anxiety, profuse sweating, insomnia, muscle spasms, chills, shivering, and shaking.

A person with a Demerol addiction should be gradually tapered off the medication over an extended period of time. Treatment for the habit should be facilitated under the guidance and supervision of a licensed medical doctor and is best conducted within the safety and structure of a detoxification facility or rehabilitation clinic. A dependence on Demerol, which develops from a few weeks of regular use, can be safely addressed with physician assistance and minimal discomfort. Still, treatment will depend solely on the degree of addiction.

When a person makes a conscious choice to deal with a Demerol addiction, there is one crucial factor that is imperative to recovery, and that is support. Seeking treatment should include cognitive-behavior therapy, group, family, or individual counseling, and spiritual consultation if requested. Addiction is a treatable condition that, with the proper help and support, a person can completely recover from.

If you or someone you love is facing a crippling addiction to Demerol, help is available, and anyone can achieve a life of freedom and sobriety. Contact us today for more information.


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