Possible Causes of Anxiety Disorders

The actual causes of anxiety disorders are still at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi unknown. Still, some very solid indications suggest that they might be the results of interactions between different genetic, biological, and some other factors like social and economical status, stress and Agoraphobia Panic Disorder Symptoms (at home and the workplace). Many different theories about the causes of anxiety disorders have been developed over the years. Their authors blame a wide variety of factors causing anxiety disorders ranging from a chemical imbalance in the brain, past traumas and unpleasant experiences (physical or sexual abuse), alcohol and drug abuse etc. Below are the groups of the factors on which most theories are based.

Family background:

Many patients with anxiety disorder report an unhappy childhood that may be a predisposition to further psychiatric illness. Factors influencing it may be loss of parents or parental care during childhood or abuse at a younger age. Overprotecting parents may also cause more harm than good by constantly pinpointing the dangers and the ugly sides of the outside World.


Reproductive history:

In women, some of the following might contribute to developing some anxiety disorder later on in their lives: constant menstrual problems, pregnancies, terminations, miscarriage or use of contraception, especially long use of contraception.


Drug history:

People abusing alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and other illicit drugs for extended periods are at greater risk of becoming victims of anxiety disorders. Once they develop an anxiety disorder, it is much harder for them to give up their addiction.


Stressful life events:

These may include a sense of loss or threats of loss, death of close relatives or friends, marriage breakdown, a departure from your loved ones, retirements and major financial crisis. Also, some emotional reactions to illnesses, medical procedures, lack of social support, or chronic physical disease.


Social isolations:

Socially isolated individuals are more prone to have an anxiety disorder. This may be due to a lack of confidence, relationship, communication or closeness due to isolation; strong feelings of abundance, hopelessness and inferiority may arise.



Some studies have shown that children of anxiety disorder sufferers are more likely to become victims themselves sometime in their lives. This would suggest that “bad genes” could also be the cause of anxiety disorders.


Brain Chemistry:

According to some research studies, the imbalance of serotonin, GABA and epinephrine (chemicals in the human brain) are also possible cause of anxiety disorders. Other scientists claim that the cause of anxiety disorders is entirely related to improper functioning of the “amygdala” (part of our brain responsible for forming and storing memories associated with emotional events). One of the most effective treatments for “re-training” or “reprogramming” the Amygdala is “The Linden Method”, developed by the former anxiety disorder sufferer Charles Linden


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