People With the Funny Phobia Suffering Laugh

Different people are scared of other things; thus, the patients at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi should also know that the patients can be afraid or suffer from different phobiasThe therapist often reports patients suffering from strange Some Phobia Treatment Methods include water, clouds, clowns, etc. All these come under funny phobias. I mean, how many of you are actually afraid of shadows? This is the sole reason that they are listed under funny phobias.

The fear of a thing beyond sanity is termed 
a phobia. It is a constant, irrational and intense fear of a situation or a thing. You would never be able to make the patient understand that the item is not scary. Experts are of the opinion that all phobias are generally caused or triggered because of a traumatic situation that they might have witnessed in the past, and these funny phobias are not an exception.

Fear to a certain level is considered normal, but some people are gripped with an extreme form of fear which is called phobia. A few of the funny phobias are listed here and would definitely amuse you. The first among these is Ablutophobia. This is a phobia which is mostly found in women and children who are not emotionally stable. They are generally afraid of bathing, cleaning and washing. The next type of funny phobia is Chorophobia. This is the fear of dancing. You would not believe but the patient suffering from this gets very scared of seeing people dance. Now you know the reason why all these are included under funny phobias.

Koumpounophobia is the fear of buttons. They can also fear similar things like coins, discs, etc. Arachibutyrophobia is a strange kind of phobia where the patients are scared of peanut butter lining someone's mouth. The fear that the patients swallow peanut butter instead of chewing or relishing it is so intense. Phobophobia is the phobia of fear. The patients think that they might develop phobias of any kind, which is a phobia. Estiophobia is the fear of clothes. The patients are actually not afraid of all different types of clothes but are scared of a particular type of material. The patients think that the material would make them look fat or shabbier.

The next type of funny phobia is unique. How many of you can actually think of a person who is afraid of beauty? Well, Caligynephobia is the fear of beauty. This is generally found in children and can sometimes be spotted in men who do not have straight orientation. The person suffering from this is very apprehensive about people staring or looking at them and thus cannot go to social gatherings for fear of the same. Euphobia is the fear of good news. Believe it or not, there are people who are apprehensive about these! This kind of patient thinks that good news is always followed by bad one.


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