Insomnia Cures and Treatment Advice

Dear fellow insomniacs,

Not getting enough sleep is a real curse; believe me, at the best addiction treatment center in Lahore, specialists say to express a patient's experience that he said. I've suffered from insomnia for years and have tried many assorted insomnia treatments with varying success. This website has put together Causes and Types of Insomnia after years of sleep problems to collect the information that has helped me with my long battle with insomnia.

I have drawn up a top 10 tips for treating insomnia and a series of insomnia-related articles, which I hope you will find helpful. A recent addition to my collection of articles examines the root causes of insomnia.

Top Ten Tips For Beating Insomnia

These are my favorite well-proven tips for curing insomnia...

  1. If you have an alarm clock with a large bright display, place it out of sight. The last thing you need when trying to sleep is a constant reminder of how late it is - stressing over being awake will keep you awake!
  2. Eliminate as much light as possible, including light from alarm clocks and VCR panels.
  3. If your sleep is interrupted by outside sounds, try masking them with the sound of an air fan, a radio tuned to static, or a white noise machine.
  4. Keep a moderate ambient temperature - if it's too hot or cold, your body won't want to relax
  5. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol. It's best to abstain altogether, but if you can't, try to avoid them before late afternoon/ early evening.
  6. Even if you're tired during the day, don't take naps, as this will make it harder for you to get to sleep at night.
  7. Don't exercise too close to bedtime (at least 3 hours), as your body needs time to wind down and will keep your mind awake.
  8. Adopt a 'going to bed routine, a ritual that signals your brain that the day is ending and it's time to shut down. Don't do any work or any puzzle-solving during this ritual.
  9. Only use your bed for sleep or sex. Don't fill your bedroom with computers, TVs, or anything not to do with relaxing activities.
  10. If you haven't dropped off to sleep within half an hour, don't lay there stressing over it. Get up and do something relaxing until you feel sleepy.


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