Electric Shock Treatment For Depression

Depression is a severe and long term mental illness present in a wide range of people. The treatment at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi for depression is available for people with severe chronic depression; continuous depression/frequently spans over long periods people should have to know the Causes of Depression and can lead to a host of physical problems ranging from lack of concentration, memory and interest to even suicidal tendencies. The exact cause of depression remains unknown, and there are many hypotheses on its occurrence.

The most common explanations are a shift in the body's neuroendocrine system that controls stress hormones, a change in the level of chemicals in the brain, and the most recent is the death of vulnerable neurons in a region of the hippocampus, which results in the loss of concentration and memory.

In light of these theorized causes, many remedial methods of curing depression have been examined and practiced. Electric Shock Therapy, also known as Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), is one of these radical methods to cure severe chronic depression.

Electric Shock Treatment For Depression is generally administered to patients unaffected by drugs and conventional treatments. It is considered safe for the most part, and the people who can be treated include the elderly, adolescents and pregnant women.

The exact mechanics of how ECT (Electric Shock Treatment For Depression) cures depression is still not rightly known. ECT (Electric Shock Treatment For Depression) began as a treatment after the 1940s, assuming that inducing a seizure in the patient could cure depression. Though unexplained, the results were satisfactory in most cases. However, the side effects of treatment at that time were considered too harsh to continue the method. In recent years, ECT (Electric Shock Treatment For Depression) has been revised and reintroduced as a plausible method to cure depression.

It is unclear what the electric shock does to patients, but a remarkable improvement in depression patients who undergo treatment cannot be denied.

The modern method uses a minor electric surge and targets a more specific skull part. The patient is sedated to avoid a strong body reaction to the shock. In some cases, side effects of current ECT procedures include short-term memory loss, muscle pain, and twitching. Overall the side effects weigh less than the positive effects of ECT (Electric Shock Treatment For Depression) as more and more patients are now being treated for depression using ECT (Electric Shock Treatment For Depression). There is an ongoing debate on whether the side effects include permanent memory loss and character changes, but there remains too little evidence and research to conclude a satisfactory result.


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