How to Overcome Addiction

Over here at Willing Ways Lahore, we Look around your neighbourhood. Take a wandering glance around the office you work at. At the best addiction treatmentcenter in Lahore, addiction experts are Looking closely at everyone you know or have known. As you gander, keep these statistics in mind. Drug and Alcohol Addiction Relapse are so easy in our society that 1 out of every 10 are potentially addicted to or some other substance of abuse. While this may seem a vast exaggeration, consider the following study results.

According to the NSDUH, in 2007, an estimated 22.3 million persons were classified with substance dependence or abuse in the past year. These were all over 12, meaning fewer than 10 percent of the young adult and adult population suffers from addiction. One could assume that 1 out of every ten people you meet on the street potentially suffers from addiction to either drugs or alcohol or both. This is a very sobering fact.

We can look closer to home with the above facts in mind. When we attend a family function such as a reunion or holiday dinner, we are often reminded of how accurate the 10 percent data is. Almost everyone has a child, sibling, parent, cousin, uncle, or other familial connection to addiction. We very often are aware that someone in our life has a problem, but we just as often resist doing anything about it. We are embarrassed to say something to the person or don't want to embarrass them. We get mad at the person for the horrible things we think they have done to the family, or we pity the person and don't feel like they would understand or even admit there is a problem. In short, we let the person continue their addiction and continue to get worse and worse.

In truth, many good people die each year by not having family members or friends willing and able to get past their considerations about the addiction they suffer from and step in and get that person some help. The next thing you know, it is too late. A person addicted runs the risk of dying from overdose, fatal accident, suicide, homicide, and illness related to drug or alcohol use daily. It may sound trite to say that the person may not have another day, but the statistical truth is that they may not.

The honest answer to addiction problems starts with the addict and those around them who love them. The thing that should occur is to stop for a moment and decide that this person WILL GET BETTER. To determine that this person WILL RECOVER. To fix that, this person WILL LIVE. From there, the logical next step is to relentlessly pursue getting that person the help they need, even if they don't appear to want it at that moment. Addiction will kill a person with postponement and avoidance of the issue. It is up to the family and friends of that individual to decide that the destructive cycle of addiction ends, and it ends now by doing everything possible to make sure that the available drug and alcohol rehabilitative tools get applied, and recovery begins. While bad things can still happen, more times than not, the person will wind up alive and better solely due to those around them making this decision.


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